Tuesday, 21 June 2011

How long will this boring transfer saga last?

Time and time again i find myself in the summer time doing absolutely nothing. With no football on, everything seems to be at a bit of a loss. When there's a world cup or Euro year, the media dont seem to get so uptight about every little 'rumour' that 'occurs'. Whatever happened to just let the clubs get on with their business?

I love the way that The Arsenal deal in transfers. If we are interested in somebody, its because the other clubs/players tell the media, we keep it quiet. We know how much the media (newspapers) can twist what is said to make articles. Arsene knows. Why dont other clubs conduct in the same manner? If we sign a player, it is announced on the website,and that is the only way you know that it is true.

No rubbish to do with Joey Barton, or anyone else for that matter. Yes, we may be interested in them, yes, they may say Arsenal are a top four side, but that does not mean we are INTERESTED in them? How many players have we seriously put offers in for? I doubt its as many as the papers say we have.

Lets look at this Cahill story. I feel as though we are waiting upon Bolton to say a price, and we will then say what we think. We are also waiting upon Chelski and City to say £20+ or whatever he's supposedly worth.

Arsene understands that football cant last much longer the way in which it is going. He is a genius, but people cant see that. They feel the need for trophies is the most important thing? Yes i agree, but for me, the ability to win them in style. To win them in our style. To win them, knowing that we've done it on our own accord. No money bag sheiks, no rich Rushki. We can win it properly. We can win it, Arsene's way.

I for one, want him to stay at Arsenal and get the job done. He will complete it. My only worry is if Usmanov or Kroenke want him out first, in which we will join the debted clubs such as City, Chelsea, United, Madrid and Barca.

Everyone, get behind Wenger and trust in his signings, because he knows what he is doing

In Arsene, We Trust.

(im expecting a bit of stick for this post, but felt my opinion had to be said)

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